About Us

Cafe24 is an e-commerce platform that provides IT solutions
and business services – everything from an online store,
global marketing to global logistics – that are necessary for doing online business. 

The company provides an online store-builder, payment options,
logistics services, and support for global expansions in one-stop
to help merchants focus on realizing their creativity to business success. 

Powering 1.9 million online merchants and 6.1 million registered users, 
Cafe24 is the global platform of choice for online businesses.

Global branches are located in the United States, China, Japan, the Philippines,
Vietnam, Taipei, and Korea. Experts analyze various e-commerce markets
to provide localized services and make up an e-commerce ecosystem in countries where Cafe24 has a presence.

Successful e-commerce platform

With over 20 years of experience in the e-commerce industry,
you can trust Cafe24 to help you build a successful online business.

Over 2.00 million

online stores created

200+ Countries

and regions supported

Over US $10 billion

in sales generated


Ecommerce Marketing Hosting